Resa Wilkinson News January 2016

Resa Wilkinson News January 2016

Exciting new Pantone 2016 colors with soft, comforting tones designed to help "unwind"and remind us to breathe, reflect and play, especially with our ongoing commitment to stay connected. Here are a few examples of this year's jewelry trends. Rose Quartz, Peach Echo, ( like Morganite ), Limpet Shell ( like pale blue Chalcedony ) Snorkel Blue ( like ceylon Sapphires ), Green Flash ( like Peridot ), Fiesta ( like Carnelian ), Buttercup ( like Hessonite) and Iced Coffee ( like Champagne Diamonds ) and Lilac Gray ( like fancy gray sapphire ). 

A separate blog to follow about new shapes of engagements!  Hope to see you again.

serenity earringsRose Quartz

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